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SAFE Center and Guatemalan Consulate Collaborate to Address Trafficking in Maryland’s Immigrant Communities

During Human Trafficking Awareness month, the SAFE Center was invited to lead a training session for staff at the Consulate of Guatemala in Maryland. Organized by Policy and Programs Advisor Majaella Ruden, the workshop aimed to equip consulate staff with comprehensive knowledge of trafficking indicators and risks and best practices for response. Majaella was joined by SAFE Center presenters Delmy Alvayero, Director of Clinical Services, and Karina Velasco, Senior Community Program Specialist.

The event fostered crucial dialogue regarding the prevalence of trafficking in Maryland and engaged participants in an interactive exercise where they identified indicators of trafficking demonstrated in case studies. This collaboration marks the beginning of an ongoing partnership between the Consulate and the SAFE Center as both are dedicated to safeguarding vulnerable immigrant communities from threats of trafficking in our region.

UMD SAFE Center Team Statement on Racial Injustice

The UMD SAFE Center decries the structural racism that remains as a toxic legacy of our country’s history and permeates our society today, and we are working to ensure that we are an actively anti-racist institution.